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Every employer has concerns about Bank holidays and the effect that it has on business, regardless of its number of employees – however for 2019 there is an extra issue to avoid and that is employees being able to strategically book their annual leave to maximise their time away from their employer. Great for them and well publicised – but not so good if your major team players are on the beach when you need them at their desks! Some employers already experienced some issues with this over the festive period when 7 annual leave days plus the 3 Bank Holidays gave a full two weeks off work.
So, its time to make your team managers ‘Holiday Savvy’ and be extra aware when they authorise annual leave requests for the rest of 2019 (we advise checking the leave that is already authorised too). The ‘Hotspots’ are anything linked to a Bank Holiday, so Easter this year is Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April. An employee booking the 4 working days before or after this gives them the opportunity for a full ten-day break (including weekends). To maximise this further if your company has a policy that 10 consecutive working days must be taken as annual leave each year, an employee could finish on 18th April and waltz back in on 8th May giving them the opportunity for 19 work free days (including weekends).
The two Bank holidays in May are on 6th May and 27th May – its possible to book the 4 working days off on both those weeks and only be in the office for half the month of May.
Next Christmas will see Friday 27th December as a very desirable annual leave request – might be time to decide if its worth your business being closed that day.
Just don’t be caught out – for many employees knowing that they have a great holiday to look forward to means they are distracted the few days before and unfocussed on their return, so it’s not just the actual annual leave days that are the concern.
So, to be ‘Holiday Hotspot Savvy’- double check every request against your Bank Holidays to get the true picture and make sure your Holiday Request form includes the information ‘Last day in the office’ and ‘First day back in the office’.